May 28, 2021

“This is what my mother-in-law used not what I will use.”

A leading health and nutrition company in the food and beverage sector was failing in a key Asian market.


Cimigo’s exploratory ethnographic research quickly unveiled that the brand no longer resonated with consumers and needed re-igniting.

We ran co-creation exercises with consumers to build a revised positioning, a positioning that resonated, inspired and reassured consumers on their choice.

Better choices

The research provided insights into perceptions of their brand and the key drivers of consumption.

We facilitated workshops with consumers which helped the brand team redefine a brand positioning that leveraged their existing strengths and find a unique position in the market.

The brand subsequently rose from a poor fifth rank in sales to a healthy second.

AB test for digital advertisements

Jun 30, 2021

Making better creative execution

Optimising dairy concepts

Jun 30, 2021

A dairy company wanted to test a new product concept, so we tested two concepts to find the

Off to university – overseas!

May 28, 2021

A leading financial services company needed to win customers earlier, as soon as they needed to