Industry Internet
Report Published Jan 2016
Target Audience Males and females, age 15+
Sample Size 300
Reference Code 500
价钱 Free

Consumer market research Indonesia Asia from Cimigo shows that half of all smartphone users in Jakarta are users of Ojek mobile app services, having at least one such mobile app installed on their smartphones. Almost everyone in the mobile app Ojek market have used Go-Jek, a third have used GrabBike – usage of other brands is rare. Two-thirds of the market is owned by Go-Jek exclusively – the majority of GrabBike users also use Go-Jek. Mobile app based Ojek users use the service roughly 6-7 times a month – usage is relatively regular. Personal transportation is the primary use of mobile app based Ojek services. Go-Jek’s innovative courier and delivery services are being utilised by about a third of the market. Hence the disruption has moved beyond motorbike taxi services and is impacting courier services and consumer behaviour for food delivery and shopping in Indonesia..

Cimigo interviewed males and females aged 15-50 in Jabodetabek whom own a smartphone from economic classes ABCD in December 2015.

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