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Berita dan Acara

Laporan Unggulan

Vietnamese Travel Habits

Stay abreast of Vietnamese travel habits in Vietnam. Cimigo’s report studies Vietnamese travel habits and preferences for domestic tourists.  The study will help destinations and hotel resorts determine which tourist segments they wish to serve and how to best to meet their travel needs. Vietnam tourism research The survey was conducted via personal face to

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2020 Vietnam Market Trends

A short presentation and quiz addressing 2020 Vietnam market and consumer trends.  The approach seeks to readdress many conception and misconceptions behind consumer and market trends in Vietnam.

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Unveiling TET

Winning at Tet is critical to your annual sales forecasts. Cimigo will give you a competitive advantage by understanding consumers during this coming Tet. Cimigo will be interviewing 800 consumers quantitatively, engaging with consumers across twelve focus groups pre and post Tet, accompanying shoppers for their Tet shopping and engaging with forty consumers throughout Tet

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Benchmarking Tet Ads

Cimigo will tell you Tet advertising communicated effectively. Cimigo have quantitatively evaluated these 12 Tet Ads to assess which are cutting through, communicating on message and positively impacting their brand. Each TVC has been tested amongst a minimum of 150 of the target audience. The Cimigo AdTraction TVC test presents how your TVC performs on

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Studi Kasus

Saat berbicara dengan konsumen, kami bicara dengan bahasa mereka, di waktu dan tempat yang tepat…

Wawasan untuk Strategi

Di Cimigo, kami percaya bahwa brand membutuhkan inspirasi dan bukan sekedar insight. Inspirasi…

Berita & Jadwal acara

Secara teratur, kami berbagi berita, pandangan dan acara untuk membantu Anda memahami Suara…

Riset & Laporan

Cimigo mempublikasikan laporan hasil riset pasar dan industri di seluruh Asia Pasifik secara…