Pack choice – packaging research tests made easy

Nov 08, 2023

Pack choice – packaging research tests made easy. You can now easily test your festive TET pack designs using our self-service platform. In just 10 days, for as little as US$1,500 you can test your pack designs and review your dashboard to make the best pack choice to achieve your marketing objectives.

Add eye-tracking to see how your pack designs perform on different planograms and how consumers decode your on-pack messaging.

Pack choice

Pack choice quickly enables you to choose the best pack to achieve your marketing objectives.

  1. Pack associations.
  2. Pack messaging.
  3. Pack aesthetics.
  4. Pack preference.
  5. Brand recognition.

Whether you are launching a new variant, pack format, size or limited-edition packaging you can quickly make the best choice.

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Pack preference

Cimigo evaluates the packs you wish to choose from and provides a competitive comparison. Packaging is the embodiment of your brand’s proposition. Without packing there would be no differentiation. Most packs continuously evolve to stay contemporary whilst preserving readily identifiable brand assets.

Pack Choice compares new designs with current designs and includes a competitor pack to determine preference.

Pack messaging

Determine how well the pack communicates the intended positioning.

Pack choice Pack associations

Pack eye tracking

Determine how well the pack communicates the intended positioning. Eye tracking helps you to determine the impact the pack has on shoppers in-store and on the shelf. Packs including competitors are shown on a virtual shelf so that you can learn how shoppers scan their shopping environment and just what grabs attention.

Pack Choice Eye tracking heat map

The ability to gauge exactly what is looked at, for how long and in what order enables Cimigo to help you make better decisions on which pack option to pursue and how best to optimise it.

Eye tracking in pack choice

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